P-Line X TCB Braid 8

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P-LINE X TCB BRAID 8 teflon coated, filo trecciato di ultima generazione, nuovo da P-LINE. Disponibile da 135 e da 275 m
utilizzando 8 fili durante il processo di intrecciatura, P-Line ha ottenuto una treccia da spinning e casting con una trama molto fitta ed estremamente compatto, che si traduce in una superficie incredibilmente liscia e in una capacità di mantenere la forma rotonda anche con diametri molto sottili. Aggiungendo la copertura in DuPont’s Teflon® si raggiunge una straordinaria resistenza alle abrasioni, una grande forza al nodo e si azzera l’attrito sia con l’acqua che con gli anelli, cosa che permette di avere lanci estremamente scorrevoli e precisi.  

Constructed with a tight 8-fiber weave, the P-Line TCB 8 Teflon Coated 8-Carrier Braided Line features a cutting-edge Dupont Teflon coating that gives it the smoothest surface of any braid on the market. Delivering advanced performance, the P-Line TCB 8 Teflon Coated 8-Carrier Braided Line flies through guides to give anglers more accuracy and more distance on casts.

In addition, the smooth surface of the P-Line TCB 8 Teflon Coated 8-Carrier Braided Line won’t dig into the spool on hook sets, so the cast after your catch is just as fluid as the first of the day. Offering increased strength as well, the 8-fiber weave gives the P-Line TCB 8 Teflon Coated 8-Carrier Braided Line the muscle to stand-up to the largest predators.

Ideal for fishing around prickly vegetation and crag-like lake floors, the P-Line TCB 8 Teflon Coated 8-Carrier Braided Line features an increased abrasion resistance that makes it feel right at home in the toughest environments. 

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