Dynamite Baits Swim Stim Pro Expanders

From 5.19€ From 4.29€


Dynamite Baits Swim Stim Pro Expanders. Pellet Dynamite Baits da innesco e da pasturazione. Il pellet Swim Stim Pro di qualità Premium è progettato per essere "gonfiato" o lasciato immergere in acqua, per creare il perfetto innesco morbido affondante o alimentare il pellet. L' esclusiva tecnologia Dynamite Baits Koi garantisce una risposta aggressiva al pellet, distinguendola dagli altri pellet in commercio. La consistenza spugnosa e robusta, consente un innesco sicuro e duraturo.

All the attraction of SwimStim in expander pellet form. Four flavours each with two sizes – 4 and 6mm. F1 Sweet, Betaine Green, Krill and Amino Original. Premium quality Swim Stim Pro-Expanders are designed to be ‘pumped’ or left to soak in water, to create the perfect sinking soft hook or feed pellet

The same unique Koi technology promotes an aggressive feed response, setting them apart from other pellets on the market. Spongy, robust texture ensures they remain firm once soaked/pumped

Available 4mm and 6mm in Amino Original, Betaine Green, Red Krill and NEW for 2020 – F1 Sweet

Supplied in 350g re-sealable bags



Imperial Metric
Picture of Dynamite Baits Swim Stim Pro Expanders
Amino Original
CodiceMisura PelletFormatoDissolvenzaPriceQtyBuy
Pro Expander Amino4.0 mm300 gr-
5.19€ 4.29€
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Picture of Dynamite Baits Swim Stim Pro Expanders
Red Krill
CodiceMisura PelletFormatoDissolvenzaPriceQtyBuy
Pro Expander Red Krill4.0 mm300 gr-
5.19€ 4.29€
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Picture of Dynamite Baits Swim Stim Pro Expanders
Betaine Green
CodiceMisura PelletFormatoDissolvenzaPriceQtyBuy
Pro Expander Betaine6.0 mm300 gr-
5.19€ 4.29€
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Pro Expander Betaine4.0 mm300 gr-
5.19€ 4.29€
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Picture of Dynamite Baits Swim Stim Pro Expanders
F1 Sweet
CodiceMisura PelletFormatoDissolvenzaPriceQtyBuy
Pro Expander F1 Sweet6.0 mm300 gr-
5.19€ 4.29€
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Pro Expander F1 Sweet4.0 mm300 gr-
5.19€ 4.29€
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CodiceMisura PelletFormatoDissolvenza
Pro Expander Amino 4.0 mm 300 gr -
Pro Expander Red Krill 4.0 mm 300 gr -
Pro Expander Betaine 6.0 mm 300 gr -
Pro Expander Betaine 4.0 mm 300 gr -
Pro Expander F1 Sweet 6.0 mm 300 gr -
Pro Expander F1 Sweet 4.0 mm 300 gr -

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