Gunki Gamera SHW

From 11.90€ From 8.99€


The Gunki Gamera SHW is a sinking minnow for trout, marble trout, pike, chub, asp and other predators in general. It holds the current excellently, has chemically sharpened treble hooks and colors that are sure to appeal to predatory fish. It launches well, remaining stable in the air and maintains buoyancy and vibrant action both in slow and faster holes. Produced in colors that are safe for trout and co.

Gunki Gamera. The Gunki GAMMERA SHW is perfectly balanced and designed to be worked steadily through strong currents vibrating constantly to stay attractive and provocative. This heavy weight version (SHW) has a straighter body profile and a low center of gravity to maximize its stability in really fast flows. The extra weight will also help you fish deeper river sections when trout are posted deep. The large lip has been carefully angled to get the balance between stability in fast flows and lively giving when twitched just right. If you fish on bigger, faster rivers this is the lure for you!

The Gunki GAMERA SHW is perfectly balanced. Entworfen, um auch in starker Strömung attraktiv und provokativ zu brieren. This extra black Version (SHW = Super Heavy weight) has two additional Körper and one Tiefen Schwerpunkt für maximale Stabilität im Strom. The Tauchschaufel is the optimal Kompromiss zwischen Stabilität in der Strömung und lebhafter Aktion beim twitchen. wenn Sie a large and schnellen Flüssen wie Rhein, Weser, Elbe, etc. angeln, dann ist dies der richtige Köder für Sie!

The GAMERA SHW is perfect for playing on two wheels with a view to stroking and making you vibrate. This extra weight version (SHW = Super Heavy Weight) will help you achieve maximum stability in your body. The duikschoep is an optimal compromise that is established in de stroming in een levendige actie tijdens het twitchen. From many rivers you will see many things that are best listed in the box hebbe

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Picture of Gunki Gamera SHW
UV Fry
5.4 cm4.5 grSinking
11.90€ 8.99€
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7.8 cm10.6 grSinking
11.90€ 8.99€
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Picture of Gunki Gamera SHW
5.4 cm4.5 grSinking
11.90€ 8.99€
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7.8 cm10.6 grSinking
11.90€ 8.99€
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Picture of Gunki Gamera SHW
Gold Vairon
5.4 cm4.5 grSinking
11.90€ 8.99€
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7.8 cm10.6 grSinking
11.90€ 8.99€
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Picture of Gunki Gamera SHW
Trout Ayu
5.4 cm4.5 grSinking
11.90€ 8.99€
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7.8 cm10.6 grSinking
11.90€ 8.99€
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Picture of Gunki Gamera SHW
Grass Trout
7.8 cm10.6 grSinking
11.90€ 8.99€
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5.4 cm4.5 grSinking
11.90€ 8.99€
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Picture of Gunki Gamera SHW
Sight Trout
5.4 cm4.5 grSinking
11.90€ 8.99€
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7.8 cm10.6 grSinking
11.90€ 8.99€
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Picture of Gunki Gamera SHW
Gold Trout
5.4 cm4.5 grSinking
11.90€ 8.99€
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7.8 cm10.6 grSinking
11.90€ 8.99€
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Picture of Gunki Gamera SHW
Spot Green Trout
5.4 cm4.5 grSinking
11.90€ 8.99€
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Picture of Gunki Gamera SHW
Black Alive
7.8 cm10.6 grSinking
11.90€ 8.99€
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5.4 cm4.5 grSinking
11.90€ 8.99€
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5.4 cm 4.5 gr Sinking
7.8 cm 10.6 gr Sinking

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