Lucky Craft Live Pointer 95SP

Da 15.29€


Il Lucky Craft Live Pointer 95SP è una versione giapponese (B'Freeze) del classico jerk bait Live Pointer di Lucky Craft. Ha una coda perfettamente snodata, multi articolata, con una capsula di aria interna, che gli permette di nuotare in modo perfettamente orizzontale e naturalmente attrattivo. Suspending, questo jerk suspending la dice lunga della missione innovativa di Lucky Craft nel mondo del bassfishing e del lure fishing in genere, mantenendo una azione size to side della coda, in fase di nuoto, sinuosa e decisa. Made in Japan.


Peso 8.5 gr. Lunghezza 9.5 cm. Assetto: Suspending

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Lucky Craft Live Pointer 95SP. The new Live Pointer series consist of more sizes than an original Live Pointer series. Totally redesigned and improved from the first generation Live Pointers, these baits are the next generation of Live Pointer technology. The jointing in the body of the bait has been changed to allow an air pocket in the tail section. This new feature allows the bait to suspend in a perfectly horizontal position. The action of the new Live Pointers has also been modified. It now has a tighter side-to-side action, which accentuates the swimming motion for a more life-like appearance. The Live Pointer is now available in three sizes to allow the angler to more accurately "match the hatch" in any fishing situation. This is just another example of Lucky Craft's continuing mission to produce the most technologically advanced lures on the market.
Le Live Pointer est un jerkbait articulé en cinq sections qui excelle lorsque les conditions de pêche sont difficiles. Cette articulation oblique, provoque un déplacement d’eau plus important, et un battement caudal donnant au Live Pointer une nage d’un réalisme exceptionnel. Cette innovation technique mise au point par les meilleurs pros US en association avec les ingénieurs de Lucky Craft ouvre une ère nouvelle en matière de leurre. Ce nouveau concept de leurre totalement flexible illustre la capacité de Lucky Craft à développer les leurres technologiquement les plus avancés du marché.



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Lucky Craft Live Pointer 95SP
Chartreuse Light Blue
9.5 cm8.6 grSuspending
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Aurora Black
9.5 cm8.6 grSuspending
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9.5 cm8.6 grSuspending
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Black And Gold
9.5 cm8.6 grSuspending
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Lucky Craft Live Pointer 95SP
Chartreuse Shad
9.5 cm8.6 grSuspending
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9.5 cm 8.6 gr Suspending