Madcat Black Series Spin Spinning

Da 65.99€


Madcat Black Series Spin: canne da spinning per siluro sono affidabili economiche e ben bilanciate. Le canne Madcat da spinning per siluro BLACK SERIES sono attrezzi indistruttibili per combattere siluri di grandi dimensioni. Nate per catfishing, si rivelano valide anche per lanciare grossi artificiali da luccio. Anelli e componenti a prova di trecciati e rapporto qualità prezzo estremamente alto.

Madcat Black Series Spin. Especially in case of spinning rods the right weight, balanced, sensitivity and power are of vital importance, because spinning for catfish requires constant casting and retrieving. It’s simply hard work! We believe we managed to find the right combination of all these requirements. The light, ergo dynamic shaped SeaGuide® XSS real seat and shrink tube covered handle part give the MADCAT Black Series Spin rods an extra comfortable feel.


Colore Selezionato

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Imperial Metric
Black Series spin 270 #70692
Total Length2.70 m
Lure Weight Min40 gr
Lure Weight Max150 gr
Line W.-
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Black Series spin 210 #70690
Total Length2.10 m
Lure Weight Min40 gr
Lure Weight Max150 gr
Line W.-
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ModelloTotal LengthSezioniLure Weight MinLure Weight MaxPowerActionLine W.PrezzoQtyAcquista
Black Series spin 270 #706922.70 m240 gr150 gr---
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Black Series spin 210 #706902.10 m240 gr150 gr---
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