Milo Forza 9 Bolentino

From 27.90€ From 19.99€


Canna da bolentino Milo Forza 9. Canne da mare telescopiche da bolentino Milo in carbonio ad alta resistenza, indistruttibili, grazie al rivestimento del fusto a spirali incrociate. Solida e totalmente affidabile, indicata per un bolentino medio/pesante, la canna da Bolentino Milo Forza 9 si presenta montata con passanti SIC  a doppio ponte e solido ed affidabile porta mulinello a vite. La vetta multicolor è estremamente importante per la percezione delle abboccate più difficili.


Canne à pêche de fond Milo Forza 9. Canne à pêche de fond télescopique Milo en carbone haute résistance, indestructible, grâce au revêtement du canon à spirales croisées. Solide et totalement fiable, adaptée aux pêches de fond moyennes/lourdes, la canne à pêche de fond Milo Forza 9 est équipée d'anneaux SIC double pattes et d'un porte-moulinet à vis solide et fiable. La pointe multicolore est extrêmement importante pour la perception des touches les plus difficiles.


Milo Forza 9 telescopic saltwater fishing rods in high resistance carbon, indestructible, thanks to the coating of the blank with crossed spirals. Solid and totally reliable, suitable for medium/heavy bottom fishing, the Milo Forza 9 bottom fishing rod is fitted with double leg SIC guides and solid and reliable screw reel seat. The multicolored tip is extremely important for the perception of the most difficult bites.

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Imperial Metric
Forza 9 - 195
Total Length1.95 m
Lure Weight Min40 gr
Lure Weight Max120 gr
Closed Size88 cm
27.90€ 19.99€
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Forza 9 - 250
Total Length2.5 m
Lure Weight Min40 gr
Lure Weight Max120 gr
Closed Size90 cm
33.90€ 25.99€
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Forza 9 - 280
Total Length2.8 m
Lure Weight Min40 gr
Lure Weight Max120 gr
Closed Size94 cm
37.90€ 29.99€
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Forza 9 - 210
Total Length2.1 m
Lure Weight Min40 gr
Lure Weight Max120 gr
Closed Size82 cm
30.90€ 22.99€
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ModelTotal LengthLure Weight MinLure Weight MaxSezioniGuideClosed SizePriceQtyBuy
Forza 9 - 1951.95 m40 gr120 gr4488 cm
27.90€ 19.99€
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Forza 9 - 2502.5 m40 gr120 gr4590 cm
33.90€ 25.99€
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Forza 9 - 2802.8 m40 gr120 gr4594 cm
37.90€ 29.99€
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Forza 9 - 2102.1 m40 gr120 gr4582 cm
30.90€ 22.99€
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