Milo Malawi Lake

From 64.90€ From 49.99€


Canna da trota lago Milo Malawi Lake. Canna telescopica da laghetto nata appositamente per la pesca alla trota nei laghi. Realizzata in Hi-Modular Carbon, leggero ed affidabile. Si caratterizza per il fusto estremamente sottile e le eccezionali doti di maneggevolezza, rapidità e sensibilità, senza lederne l’affidabilità. La serie completa dispone sei azioni differenti per affrontare tutte le situazioni di pesca (bombarda, sbirulino, galleggiante, penna di pavone, tremarella, etc). Tutte le azioni sono contrassegnate da colorazioni differenti per un facile riconoscimento. Anelli Sic


Milo Malawi Lake Trout Rod. Telescopic fishing rod born for trout fishing in lakes. Made in Hi-Modular Carbon. It is characterized by the extremely thin blank and the exceptional qualities of handling, speed and sensitivity, without affecting its reliability. The complete series features six different actions to tackle all fishing situations. All actions are marked with different colors for easy recognition.With Sic Guides.


Milo Malawi Lake Forellenrute. Teleskop-Angelrute für das Forellenangeln in Seen. Hergestellt aus Hi-Modular Carbon. Es zeichnet sich durch den extrem dünnen Blank und die außergewöhnlichen Eigenschaften in Bezug auf Handling, Geschwindigkeit und Sensibilität aus, ohne die Zuverlässigkeit zu beeinträchtigen. Die komplette Serie bietet sechs verschiedene Aktionen, um alle Angelsituationen zu meistern. Alle Aktionen sind zur einfachen Erkennung mit unterschiedlichen Farben gekennzeichnet. Mit Sic Guides.

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Imperial Metric
Malawi Lake -Arancione-
Total Length3.9 m
Closed Size120 cm
Lure Weight Min1 gr
Lure Weight Max4 gr
Line W.-
Peso143 gr
64.90€ 49.99€
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Malawi Lake -Rosso-
Total Length3.9 m
Closed Size120 cm
Lure Weight Min3 gr
Lure Weight Max6 gr
Line W.-
Peso151 gr
64.90€ 49.99€
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Malawi Lake -Fucsia-
Total Length4 m
Closed Size120 cm
Lure Weight Min3 gr
Lure Weight Max8 gr
Line W.-
Peso163 gr
64.90€ 49.99€
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Malawi Lake -Verde-
Total Length4 m
Closed Size120 cm
Lure Weight Min4 gr
Lure Weight Max12 gr
Line W.-
Peso165 gr
64.90€ 49.99€
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Malawi Lake -Blu-
Total Length4.2 m
Closed Size133 cm
Lure Weight Min8 gr
Lure Weight Max15 gr
Line W.-
Peso176 gr
69.90€ 54.99€
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Malawi Lake -Viola-
Total Length4.4 m
Closed Size135 cm
Lure Weight Min10 gr
Lure Weight Max25 gr
Line W.-
Peso187 gr
73.90€ 58.99€
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Malawi Lake -Giallo-
Total Length4.4 m
Closed Size135 cm
Lure Weight Min15 gr
Lure Weight Max40 gr
Line W.-
Peso208 gr
79.90€ 64.99€
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ModelSezioniTotal LengthClosed SizeLure Weight MinLure Weight MaxPowerActionLine W.PesoGuidePriceQtyBuy
Malawi Lake -Arancione-63.9 m120 cm1 gr4 grXUL--143 gr8
64.90€ 49.99€
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Malawi Lake -Rosso-63.9 m120 cm3 gr6 grUL--151 gr8
64.90€ 49.99€
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Malawi Lake -Fucsia-64 m120 cm3 gr8 grL--163 gr8
64.90€ 49.99€
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Malawi Lake -Verde-64 m120 cm4 gr12 grML--165 gr8
64.90€ 49.99€
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Malawi Lake -Blu-64.2 m133 cm8 gr15 grM--176 gr8
69.90€ 54.99€
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Malawi Lake -Viola-64.4 m135 cm10 gr25 grMH--187 gr8
73.90€ 58.99€
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Malawi Lake -Giallo-64.4 m135 cm15 gr40 grH--208 gr8
79.90€ 64.99€
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