Nories Meet 33 MR-F

From 22.99€ From 20.99€


Nories Meet 33 MR-F è un deep range wide crankbait per il trout area game che il produttore di esche Nories ha introdotto recentemente per la pesca su profondità intermedie: questo crank Nories da trout area è in grado infatti di scendere rapidamente fino a 1,5m. Il Nories Meet 33 MR-F è dotato di ami singoli senza ardiglione Vanfook misura 8 ed ha un rattle a bass frequenza poco invasivo. Made in Japan.


The MEET 33MR-F from Nories is a crankbait with a specially shaped diving lip that can reach diving depths 1,5 m. Its curved diving lip makes it possible to bring the MEET to the desired depth with a few faster turns of the crank and it then holds this depth at a slower retrieve speed without losing its attractive action of the lure. 


Der Nories Meet 33MR-F ist ein Crankbait mit speziell geformter Tauchschaufel. Seine gebogene Tauchschaufel ermöglicht es, den Meet mit ein paar schnelleren Kurbelumdrehungen auf die gewünschte Tiefe zu bringen und diese hält er dann bei langsamerer Einholgeschwindigkeit ohne sein attraktives Köderspiel zu verlieren. Das macht den Meet 33MR-F einzigartig und bietet dem versierten Forellenangler die Möglichkeit, insbesondere beißfaulen Forellen den Wobbler gezielt auf Augenhöhe anzubieten.  mit Rassel


Technische Details

Länge: 3,3 cm

Gewicht: 2,7 g

Tauchtiefe: 1,5 m

Aktion: Schwimmend

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Picture of Nories Meet 33 MR-F
3.3 cm2.7 grFloatingMedium Runner
22.99€ 20.99€
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Picture of Nories Meet 33 MR-F
3.3 cm2.7 grFloatingMedium Runner
22.99€ 20.99€
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Picture of Nories Meet 33 MR-F
3.3 cm2.7 grFloatingMedium Runner
22.99€ 20.99€
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Picture of Nories Meet 33 MR-F
3.3 cm2.7 grFloatingMedium Runner
22.99€ 20.99€
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Picture of Nories Meet 33 MR-F
3.3 cm2.7 grFloatingMedium Runner
22.99€ 20.99€
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Picture of Nories Meet 33 MR-F
3.3 cm2.7 grFloatingMedium Runner
22.99€ 20.99€
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Picture of Nories Meet 33 MR-F
3.3 cm2.7 grFloatingMedium Runner
22.99€ 20.99€
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Picture of Nories Meet 33 MR-F
3.3 cm2.7 grFloatingMedium Runner
22.99€ 20.99€
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Picture of Nories Meet 33 MR-F
3.3 cm2.7 grFloatingMedium Runner
22.99€ 20.99€
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Picture of Nories Meet 33 MR-F
3.3 cm2.7 grFloatingMedium Runner
22.99€ 20.99€
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Picture of Nories Meet 33 MR-F
3.3 cm2.7 grFloatingMedium Runner
22.99€ 20.99€
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Picture of Nories Meet 33 MR-F
3.3 cm2.7 grFloatingMedium Runner
22.99€ 20.99€
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Picture of Nories Meet 33 MR-F
3.3 cm2.7 grFloatingMedium Runner
22.99€ 20.99€
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Picture of Nories Meet 33 MR-F
3.3 cm2.7 grFloatingMedium Runner
22.99€ 20.99€
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Picture of Nories Meet 33 MR-F
3.3 cm2.7 grFloatingMedium Runner
22.99€ 20.99€
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3.3 cm 2.7 gr Floating Medium Runner

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