Owner Brush Head

From 5.49€


Owner Brush Head. La Owner Brush Head è un modello di testa piombata con guardia per il montaggio anti-alga delle esche in gomma. La testa di piombo è fusa nell'anello di chiusura che riduce ulteriormente la possibilità di incastrarsi tra gli ostacoli. La caratteristica principale della testina è una guardia trasparente di nylon, mentre la testa è verde scuro per una minore visibilità. Queste testine Owner sono costruite con ami Owner con finitura cromata, ultra resistenti e penetranti. Sono disponibili in tre misure confezionate in 3 pezzi.


The Owner Brush Head is a jighead model with invisible guard for weedless mounting on grassy terrains and terrains with a lot of obstacles. The lead head is cast in the clasp ring which further reduces the possibility of getting stuck on grass and twigs. The main feature of the Brush Head is a nylon bundle that prevents tangling. The head is painted dark green for less visibility. They are hooked by Owner's famous Needle Point finish, which is extremely sharp and does not forgive any fish. Black Chrome finish on the hook. They are available in three sizes packed in 3 piece


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Imperial Metric
Peso3.50 gr
Misura Amo#1/0
Pcs/Pack3 pcs
Materiale SinkerPiombo
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Peso5.30 gr
Misura Amo#2/0
Pcs/Pack3 pcs
Materiale SinkerPiombo
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Peso7.00 gr
Misura Amo#2/0
Pcs/Pack3 pcs
Materiale SinkerPiombo
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PesoMisura AmoPcs/PackMateriale SinkerPriceQtyBuy
3.50 gr#1/03 pcsPiombo
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5.30 gr#2/03 pcsPiombo
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7.00 gr#2/03 pcsPiombo
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