Preston Innovations Hexmesh Plastic Cage Feeder

Da 2.89€ Da 2.25€


Pasturatore Preston Hexmesh Plastic Cage. Pasturatore a gabbia Preston in materiale plastico Hexmesh fornisce un rilascio ottimale dell’esca pur mantenendo una presa sufficiente per mantenere il contenuto all’interno. Grazie all’ampia gamma di dimensioni e pesi i pasturatori Hexmesh Plastic Cage Feeders forniscono un supporto ideale per affrontare qualsiasi situazione. Il design stile “gabbia” consente di mettere a punto il mix per ottimizzare il rilascio dell’esca con i tempi voluti.

Our revolutionary Hexmesh material provides optimum bait release while maintaining sufficient grip to encapsulate the contents within. A wide range of sizes and weights make the Hexmesh Plastic Cage Feeders extremely versatile. The “cage” style design enables the angler to fine tune their mix to optimise bait release. Available in: Micro- 15,25,30g Small -20,30,40g Medium- 20,30,40g Large- 20,30,40,50g XL – 20,30,40,50g

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Imperial Metric
CodicePlastic Cage
Peso50 gr
Lunghezza4.5 x 3.5 cm
2.89€ 2.25€
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CodicePlastic Cage
Peso50 gr
Lunghezza4 x 3 cm
2.89€ 2.25€
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CodicePlastic Cage Feeder
Peso40 gr
Lunghezza4 x 3 cm
2.89€ 2.25€
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CodicePlastic Cage Feeder
Peso40 gr
Lunghezza4.5 x 3.5 cm
2.89€ 2.25€
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CodicePlastic Cage Feeder
Peso40 gr
Lunghezza3 x 2 cm
2.89€ 2.25€
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CodicePlastic Cage Feeder
Peso40 gr
Lunghezza3.5 x 2.5 cm
2.89€ 2.25€
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CodicePlastic Cage Feeder
Peso30 gr
Lunghezza2.5 x 2 cm
2.89€ 2.25€
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CodicePlastic Cage Feeder
Peso30 gr
Lunghezza3 x 2 cm
2.89€ 2.25€
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CodicePlastic Cage Feeder
Peso30 gr
Lunghezza4.5 x 3.5 cm
2.89€ 2.25€
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CodicePlastic Cage Feeder
Peso30 gr
Lunghezza3.5 x 2.5 cm
2.89€ 2.25€
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CodicePlastic Cage Feeder
Peso30 gr
Lunghezza4 x 3 cm
2.89€ 2.25€
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CodicePlastic Cage Feeder
Peso20 gr
Lunghezza2.5 x 2 cm
2.89€ 2.25€
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CodicePlastic Cage Feeder
Peso20 gr
Lunghezza4.5 x 3.5 cm
2.89€ 2.25€
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CodicePlastic Cage Feeder
Peso20 gr
Lunghezza4 x 3 cm
2.89€ 2.25€
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CodicePlastic Cage Feeder
Peso20 gr
Lunghezza3 x 2 cm
2.89€ 2.25€
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CodicePlastic Cage Feeder
Peso20 gr
Lunghezza3.5 x 2.5 cm
2.89€ 2.25€
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CodicePlastic Cage Feeder
Peso15 gr
Lunghezza2.5 x 2 cm
2.89€ 2.25€
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Plastic Cage50 grXLarge4.5 x 3.5 cm
2.89€ 2.25€
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Plastic Cage50 grLarge4 x 3 cm
2.89€ 2.25€
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Plastic Cage Feeder40 grLarge4 x 3 cm
2.89€ 2.25€
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Plastic Cage Feeder40 grXLarge4.5 x 3.5 cm
2.89€ 2.25€
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Plastic Cage Feeder40 grSmall3 x 2 cm
2.89€ 2.25€
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Plastic Cage Feeder40 grMedium3.5 x 2.5 cm
2.89€ 2.25€
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Plastic Cage Feeder30 grMicro2.5 x 2 cm
2.89€ 2.25€
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Plastic Cage Feeder30 grSmall3 x 2 cm
2.89€ 2.25€
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Plastic Cage Feeder30 grXLarge4.5 x 3.5 cm
2.89€ 2.25€
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Plastic Cage Feeder30 grMedium3.5 x 2.5 cm
2.89€ 2.25€
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Plastic Cage Feeder30 grLarge4 x 3 cm
2.89€ 2.25€
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Plastic Cage Feeder20 grMicro2.5 x 2 cm
2.89€ 2.25€
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Plastic Cage Feeder20 grXLarge4.5 x 3.5 cm
2.89€ 2.25€
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Plastic Cage Feeder20 grLarge4 x 3 cm
2.89€ 2.25€
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Plastic Cage Feeder20 grSmall3 x 2 cm
2.89€ 2.25€
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Plastic Cage Feeder20 grMedium3.5 x 2.5 cm
2.89€ 2.25€
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Plastic Cage Feeder15 grMicro2.5 x 2 cm
2.89€ 2.25€
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