Sakura Mister Joe

Da 13.99€


Sakura Mister Joe. Sakura Mister Joe, elaborato in collaborazione con Eric Guyader numerosi anni fa, fa il suo comeback in una nuova fantastica versione ed in 3 misure. Nel corso degli anni, quest'esca da mare ha saputo farsi un posto fra le hardbait di numerosi pescatori in mare, sulle coste mediterranee ed ai tropici, "asfaltando" molti dei modelli giapponesi sul mercato, specie nello spinning al tonno. Muovendosi a zig zag in modo efficace e seducente sotto la superficie, il Sakura MR. Joe è un lipless da mare estremamente efficace nei confronti fronte a predatori come tonni, leccie, ricciole, dentici, lecce, pesci serra, spigole, barracuda, sia nella pesca sulle mangianze che nella pesca di ricerca. questa nuova versione del Sakura Mister Joe è assemblata con un'armatura passante in acciaio inossidabile che attraversa interamente l'esca. L' occhio maggiorato ed estremamente pronunciato rappresenta un vero e sicuro obiettivo di riferimento per i predatori. Montato con ancorette da mare ad altissima resistenza.


Sakura Mister Joe, Over the years, this lure has made himself a place in the boxes many fishermen at sea on our shores or in the tropics, well before the arrival of Japanese models in our market. Evolving under the surface, Mister Joe 80S – 105S – 120S is quite efficient to face predators who are content to follow the floating stickbait without attacking. To select the depth to which you want to change, you simply let it sink and begin the recovery when it reaches the desired depth. From the first casts, you will find that if specific swimming Mister Joe 80S – 105S – 120S is particularly easy to implement, thanks to some twitches, it is easy to make the most of this great lure . This new version is entirely composed of a through-frame reinforced stainless steel (full wire) allowing him to face the fiercest predators. The big “Eye” signal is extremely pronounced represents a real target for predators and greatly improves their performance to target this lure!


Sakura Mister Joe, Au fil des années, ce leurre s'est fait une place dans les tackle box de nombreux pêcheurs en mer sur nos côtes ou sous les tropiques, bien avant l'arrivée des modèles japonais sur notre marché. Evoluant sous la surface, Mister Joe 80S – 105S – 120S est assez efficace pour affronter les carnassiers qui se contentent de suivre le stickbait flottant sans attaquer. Pour sélectionner la profondeur à laquelle vous souhaitez changer, il vous suffit de le laisser couler et de commencer la récupération lorsqu'il atteint la profondeur souhaitée. Dès les premiers lancers, vous constaterez que si la nage spécifique Mister Joe 80S – 105S – 120S est particulièrement simple à mettre en œuvre, grâce à quelques twitchs, il est aisé de tirer le meilleur parti de ce super leurre. Cette nouvelle version est entièrement composée d'un cadre traversant renforcé en inox (full wire) lui permettant d'affronter les prédateurs les plus féroces. Le gros signal "Eye" extrêmement prononcé représente une véritable cible pour les carnassiers et améliore grandement leurs performances pour cibler ce leurre !




Imperial Metric
Immagine di Sakura Mister Joe
#P08 French White
8 cm12.5 grFloating
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10.5 cm23 grFloating
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12 cm35 grFloating
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Immagine di Sakura Mister Joe
#P05 - Pearl Lemon
8 cm12.5 grFloating
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10.5 cm23 grFloating
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12 cm35 grFloating
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Immagine di Sakura Mister Joe
#G22 Ghost Ayu
8 cm12.5 grFloating
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10.5 cm23 grFloating
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12 cm35 grFloating
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Immagine di Sakura Mister Joe
#A12 - Aurora Black
8 cm12.5 grFloating
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10.5 cm23 grFloating
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12 cm35 grFloating
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Immagine di Sakura Mister Joe
#110 Konoshiro
8 cm12.5 grFloating
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10.5 cm23 grFloating
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12 cm35 grFloating
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Immagine di Sakura Mister Joe
#P06 Pearl White
8 cm12.5 grFloating
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10.5 cm23 grFloating
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12 cm35 grFloating
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Immagine di Sakura Mister Joe
#SSP Alburno Spain Special
8 cm12.5 grFloating
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10.5 cm23 grFloating
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12 cm35 grFloating
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Immagine di Sakura Mister Joe
#G21 Ghost Lancon
8 cm12.5 grFloating
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10.5 cm23 grFloating
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12 cm35 grFloating
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8 cm 12.5 gr Floating
10.5 cm 23 gr Floating
12 cm 35 gr Floating

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